Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Miss Rizky Educations


Mempawah, 27th, of June 2011
If you want to know about my education, nothing really special around it. When I was 5 years old, I went to Bhayangkari Kindergarten which is next to my grandfather’s house. The thing that I’ve always remembered until now is ‘the killer teacher’. I think a kindergarten teacher don’t need to be cruel like step mother, they must be patient and treat us like their own child.

I entered elementary school at the age of 6. I went to Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Teladan Bawamai. At the age of 12, I entered Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 1 Pontianak. I think, when I was in junior high school, it was a very fun moment, better than elementary school or senior high school. I had so many funny friends when I was in there.

Three years later, I went to one of popular state school in Pontianak, it is SMUN 3. My two brothers, both of them entered the same school with me. I chose IPS/Social Science, because I like to study geography, history and tata negara.

After passing my education in senior high school, I went to Bandung. I entered Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (University of Education Indonesia). I chose geography in Faculty of Social Science Education. My difficulty when I studied there was the language, it is sundanese.

Eventhough , I enjoyed many moments in there, the lecturer, the people, friends, and the situation of campuss. I met my husband in the campuss, we were in the same program.   


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