Sunday, August 14, 2011

The Good Fashion for Women

The Good Fashion for Women
By. Wahyu C.B
            Women have to cover their body. Except their face and arms, they have to use veil to protect and close their hair.

            But, as we known, Indonesian women influenced by the western culture. They use the short dress, without veil, too small dress and pant, and use unsuitable dress. So, where is the culture of Indonesia? Has it gone? We have to use/wear the suitable fashion with our culture. Use the long dress, veil, skirt and use stockings.

            Performance is t he first that saw by the person in this world. Then, we have to keep our fashion clean, good looking, etc.
            Why do we have to keep our performance by a good fashion? Firstly, if we use a suitable dress and good fashion, of course we will be good looking. Secondly, from our performance the people will know about polite and impolite people.

            Indonesian women think that the modernist fashion is the western culture. And they don’t know, behind the effect of western culture, they will influence the Yahudi religion in our mind. We have to be careful from this. Protect yourselves from your fashion.


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