Monday, August 15, 2011

“Manis My Lovely Cat”

By. Wahyu C. B

            I have a cat in my house. His name is “manis”, because he is so cute and sweet. His colors are black and white. Has a long tail, the black bright eyes, and fur.

            My cat is very kind. He is never make me annoyed. He is very close to me. If I sleep in my room, he always sleeps beside me. He never stole foods in the kitchen or my neighbour’s kitchen.

            Someday, when my grandmother went to the market, my cat followed her. But, my grandmother said to him : “back to the house!”. He just sat on that street and saw my grandmother went and leaved him alone. Then, he returned to the house lonely.

            My grandmother loves planting. But my cat never broke my grandmother’s plants. She plants. She plants roses, jasmines, sun flowers, etc. She and I water the flowers every morning and afternoon, and they grow well.

            Many days my cat was sick. He looked not so well. He won’t eat anything. Then, after 3 days, my cat was died. I was so sad. Hiks…hiks…hiks…


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