Sunday, August 14, 2011

Wahyu Choirul Bariyah's Dream

If I Were Be a Lecturer

            Many years ago, I graduated from my Senior High School. It was on 2005. I hoped to continue my studying to the good university likes UGM, ITB, UMY etc. But I saw that my parent couldn’t pay my studying, then I was hopeless. I decided to follow my brother in Pontianak. After two months, I didn’t do anything and I felt empty. In deep of my heart, I want to continue my studying. And to cure my heart, I decided to teach in Boarding School. It’s Khulafaur Rasyidin Islamic Boarding School. I tought there for 1 year.

            Then, I went to Tasikmalaya on 2006 of July. I still remember it. In this city, I continued my studying in university on 2008. After many years I studied there, I felt happy and I have a good future. My dream I wanna be a lecturer as my favorite lecturer, his name is Mr.Muharram Ardan, M.Pd.

            If I were a lecturer, I want to teach my student spiritly and teaching by my heart. I will share my experiences to them. I will be a lecturer in my university at Ponorogo. When I finished my studying from Siliwangi University, I will go home and teach there. I like teaching teaching because teaching is the truly of studying. By teaching you can study more and more. “Long Life Education.”


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