Monday, August 15, 2011

The True Religion

By. Wahyu C.B

            Indonesia has many religions. There are Islam, Kristen, Hindu, Budha, Konghucu, etc. Many people in this country embrace Islamic religion.

            Al-Qur’an said : “Innaddiina ‘indallahil islam”. It means “the true religion besides Allah is Islam”.
            We as moslem, we have to know it. We have to worship to God Allah. The King of the King and The Lord of The World.

            Islam has five pillars, there are : witness, prayer, fasting, tithe and pilgrimage. Witness is our promise to God Allah that we believe to him and his messenger, Muhammad.

            Islam has five prayers : subuh, dzuhur, ‘ashar, maghrib and ‘isya’. And we have to obey and worship to him.
            In fasting month, we have to fast and at night do tarawih prayer and reading the holy Qur’an.
            At the night and first day of Feast Day before we pray, we have to give tithe to another people who need it.
            At last, If we can go to Mecca we can do the fifth pillar of Islam, pilgrimage.Amin.


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